Simplify Your
Inventory Management

Anthony, age 57
IT specialist, dog shelter
volunteer, single

Not an actual patient.

LuproLink® is an intuitive inventory management system that helps deliver important LUPRON DEPOT inventory data about your practice.

Anthony, a LUPRON DEPOT patient, bent down and hugging his dog closely

With comprehensive data visualization tools at your fingertips, you can do more than manage your LUPRON DEPOT inventory:

LuproLink chart icon

See data on every aspect of your inventory

  • Track all kits to ensure that sufficient LUPRON DEPOT inventory is maintained and available to treat your patients
LuproLink calendar icon

Anticipate practice inventory needs

  • View patients due for an injection in the next 7 days and beyond
LuproLink graph icon

Track trends over time

  • Turn your data into simple, intuitive graphics that can help you track important LUPRON DEPOT inventory trends at a glance

Setup and Use Is Complimentary

Schedule a LuproLink® demonstration today. Contact your AbbVie Sales Representative, or call AbbVie Customer Service at

